Learn Intermediate JavaScript

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You’ve learned the programming fundamentals using the latest JavaScript syntax to create dynamic web apps, but you want to do more! With Intermediate JavaScript, you’ll understand how to incorporate JavaScript in bigger and more complex web apps using concepts such as classes, promises, async/await, and requests.

By the end of this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of how JavaScript runs in the browser including currying, hoisting, and concurrency. You will also learn how to structure large-scale web apps using classes and modules, and how to increase the efficiency of your apps using asynchronous functions.

We recommend that you complete Learn JavaScript before starting Learn Intermediate JavaScript.

1. Welcome to Learn Intermediate JavaScript
2. Classes
3. Modules
4. Promises
5. Async-Await
6. Requests
7. Errors and Error Handling
8. JavaScript Under the Hood
9. JavaScript Best Practices
10. Next Steps


Sarai Fernandez
via Codecademy
Paid Certificate Available
10 hours
Self paced